
Here are some useful links to some of the many local organisations that help promote our local heritage.

Malvern Tourist Information Office

Masses of information about local events and further afield can be found here, supported by a dedicated team of staff.

Malvern Hills Trust / Conservators

Also known as the Conservators, this Trust manages and protects the Malvern Hills and Commons.


Malvern Radar and Technology History Society aims to preserve and celebrate the heritage of the Government research at Malvern which conducted research and development in support of the armed forces from 1942 onwards.

Malvern Waters

A most informative website that is dedicated to the historical information about the many springs, spouts, Holy Wells and fountains in the Malvern area.

Malvern Spa Association

Malvern Spa Association aims to promote an interest in the local springs and wells as well as to protect and preserve them. Find out more here

Malvern Family History Society

Another popular group which meets every month. Members and visitors can enjoy a talk on an aspect of family history or local history, as well as share good practice in family history research.

Route to the Hills

This project has focused on how to help locals and visitors explore the local heritage. It is funded by the Heritage Lottery fund and has already created a new heritage trail with special features to help promote local landmarks and stories. The core programme of events concluded in 2018, but its innovative approach to signposting Malvern’s heritage will continue for years to come.

Earth Heritage Trust

The Trust exists to identify and survey geological and geomorphological sites in Herefordshire and Worcestershire; it promotes the establishment and protection of Local Geological Sites.

Malvern U3A

The University of the Third Age movement operates numerous very popular activities for semi-retired and retired people in the Malvern area. Members share their skills and a huge number of meetings are held every month.

Dame Laura Knight Society

The Malvern and Colwall branch of the Friends of Dame Laura Knight Society work hard to promote the work of Laura and Harold Knight, two distinguished artists who spent a lot of their time here in Colwall and Malvern in the mid 20th century.